Please note that information found on this website is a public source for general Canadian immigration information which is not guaranteed to be complete, accurate, and up-to-date at the current time of reading. Federal and Provincial immigration law, regulations and policy change frequently, often without notice.
It does not create a consultant-client or legal relationship of any kind with its viewers. It is critical that all viewers who come across our website should not rely on information found on this website without first seeking a consultation to determine and assess eligibility for immigration programs. Our website cannot provide you with an eligibility assessment confirmation, the only way to do that is to have your eligibility carefully assessed in a consultation.
Rothe International Canada disclaims any and all liability with regard to actions taken or not taken based upon the content of this website. If you wish to speak to a legal consultant regarding any immigration matter, please know that your information sent to our consulting firm via this website is not guaranteed to be secured and is therefore not confidential.
Rothe International Canada is not liable for the contents of any external internet sites listed.